22 Nov, 2021

Facebook Kills Offer Ads

By |2021-11-22T02:39:46+00:00Monday, November 22nd, 2021|Communication|

I guess they figure as long as that whole Whistleblower thing is out there and everyone hates them anyway, they might as well take away one of the best things the platform has going for advertisers: offer ads. These are the coupons and redemption codes you can use to promote offers online and offline.  Thanks, MetaFaceJerks. To read more about this - feel free to check out the full article here...

30 Sep, 2020

Facebook Kills 20% Rule

By |2020-10-16T21:02:36+00:00Wednesday, September 30th, 2020|Communication|

It's happening... It's really, REALLY happening... Sure, they've teased us before, saying, "oh, yeah, don't worry about the 20% rule anymore..." But it turned out they were limiting where your ads would run if they had greater than 20% text in the ad. The rule was being bent, but not done away with altogether. Now Facebook is officially saying, "Fine, let them eat cake!"

7 Jul, 2018

What exactly is in those “Privacy Policies” we blindly agree to?

By |2019-07-22T18:19:44+00:00Saturday, July 7th, 2018|Communication|

Terms broken down into plain english. It's been like a fireworks show lately, from April through June, with pop-ups and interstitials all stopping you from continuing on with a website you use regularly in your bustling daily life saying, "you must agree with this to be able to continue [...]

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